On our way to a beautiful future


Our CSR-policy

Our policy

At Keller we make beautiful kitchens attainable. For us, attainable goes beyond beautiful and affordable. What we find at least as important is sustainability. We want to keep nature and the environment beautiful and healthy for future generations. That is why corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of our strategic priorities. This is the only waty we can we achieve the right balance between People, Planet and Prosperity.

Sustainable operations

Care for the environment

Our kitchens have been produced carbon neutral since 2017. This is the result of CO2 reduction and compensation. We achieve this by generating electricity through solar panels and converting waste into energy. sustainable transport and packaging material. In addition, we compensate the remaining CO2 emissions by investing in sustainability projects such as Carbon Farming via ZLTO, reforestation processes via Trees for All and climate projects via the Climate Neutral Group.
View the CO2 management & reduction plan

Care for people & society

Our CSR policy goes further than just reducing CO2 emissions. The social aspect is at least as important. For example, a lot of attention is paid to the safety and health of our employees in the form of training, a contribution to the gym and healthy food in the company restaurant. We also work on SROI (Social Return on Investment) by creating work for people who are at a distance from the labour market. But we also care for people outside the organisation. We support various charities and work together with schools and training courses (including the Green Chemistry Campus and TU Delft), municipality and province. This is how we move towards a bright future together.


CO2-neutraal keukenproces

The roof of our factory is covered with over 14,000m2 solar panels

Leading in sustainable entrepreneurship

On July 12, 2023 our parent organisation DKG has become the first Dutch kitchen manufacturer to reach the highest level on the CO2-Performance Ladder. The level 5 certificate demonstrates that the company has taken big steps to reduce carbon emissions. Not only internally, but throughout the entire supply chain. This makes us a leader in sustainable initiatives in the European kitchen industry.

The sustainable initiative aligns with the Dutch government's ambition to achieve a fully circular economy by 2050. This requires thousands of companies large and small to transition to a new way of working.

A perfect example of this transition is the development of the biobased kitchen, which we are working on. As a market leader in the industry, we want to set the standard an be ready for a beautiful future!

MVO Performanceladder

It's time for endless design

We want to keep nature and the environment beautiful and healthy. That is why we developed Enduura, the circular Keller kitchen. Biobased and reusable, with proven Keller quality. A new milestone for our company and the kitchen world. The bio-based kitchen is made without primary raw materials, but with residual flows from agriculture and industry. So that we can enjoy endlessly, sustainable quality, a kitchen without 'waste'.

Keller Enduura

Global Reporting Initiative

Keller Kitchens has ambitious goals when it comes to CSR. To achieve them, a thought through strategy is needed. This will describe where we as a company want to be in the future, and what our take-off position is. That’s why in 2016, we hired an external consultant to analyse all our CSR activities. The results of this research are processed into an extensive report using the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).


Sustainable Development Goals

We continue to work continuously on new, ambitious goals. One of these ambitions is to link our sustainability objectives to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.