DKG invests in kitchen factory modernisation

Keller is part of the DKG Group. Kitchens are produced in the DKG kitchen factory on the premises in Bergen op Zoom. This is one of the largest kitchen factories in Europe with a surface area of ​​56,000 m2. In order to provide customers with a high quality product, only first-class materials and the latest technologies are used.

Recently several major investments have been made in order to remain at the forefront of technology and to adapt production capacity to the increasing demand. Always with sustainability in mind.

Panel cutting installation and off-cut warehouse

A completely new sawing installation was put into use in December 2021. An impressive line with a linked off-cut warehouse. Thanks to smart technology, single-piece parts can now be produced with much less wastage. To further increase the capacity, two edge banding machines have been ordered (delivery 2023). This new installation is suitable for both small series and single pieces and can produce both laser edged and hot melt parts. This machine is linked to the existing sawing installation.

Panel cutting installation and off-cut warehouse

Tall/special units line

The current production line for special units will be replaced by a new line that can produce more than double the current installation. Remarkable: the final assembly belt is built as ergonomically as possible, the tall units ‘sink into the ground’ so the top of the unit can be easily assembled. This line is also expected in 2023.

Climate installation lacquer department

In December, new climate units were also installed in the lacquer department, with which humidity and temperature can be kept constant during all seasons of the year. This investment ensures a constant lacquer quality because the outdoor climate no longer influences the indoor climate. An additional advantage is that employees also work ergonomically because the temperature during  summer remains lower than was the case until now.

Climate installation lacquer department

DKG lacquer department Sanding and dust removal installation

The climate installation is the first of three major investments within the lacquer department that will be realised in the next few months. In the first quarter a completely new sanding flutter machine will be installed and in the quarter two one-surface dust removal installation for the flat spraying installation. All three investments will contribute to improving the quality of lacquered and stained kitchens.

In addition to the expansions in the factory, DKG is in the process of building a completely new head office in Bergen op Zoom. The DKG Inspiration Centre, a contemporary showroom for business-to-business relations, was already realised in 2021,. With these investments, DKG is completing a period of renewal that started after the integration of Bruynzeel and Keller kitchens in 2015. At the end of this summer, DKG expects to be able to celebrate the opening of the completely renovated business complex.